Ready for Paris

Hello everyone!

Tomorrow the Game Connection Europe event will start in Paris! We will be showing off Ghost Realm at the event! We have now been working on Ghost Realm for 3 months. We are very pleased on how well this project has moved along, and that we actually have a FUN working game. Unfortunately we did not have time to implement a working GPS and maps, but we will see what the future holds. The team has done an awesome job on graphics, prints, models, design, and most of all the core of the game. A huge thumbs up for everyone on the team!

The newest release is v0.35 and it can be downloaded from here:

Important fixes from earlier versions include:

* Viking and Skelman fight in turns

* Player returns to attack training after dying

* Add pinch to zoom to the map mode

* Update tutorial animations

* Hitting ghost is easier

* Fix Skelman ectoplasma bar

* Update defending dot animation

Juri Meskanen

Ghost Realm v.025


From the link below you can download the newest version on Ghost Realm for Android!

Improvements of v0.25 to v0.22 release:

* Fix death animation sticking from last fight
* Defending dots work with multiple simultaneous touches
* Add XP bar to map
* Add textured mana bar
* Map notice bubble replaces the fight button
* Game name is Ghost Realm
* Update Viking to v2.7
* Add Skelman model, player fights random ghost
* Update tutorial bg
* Extoplasma bar doesn’t turn on aggro
* Add textured ectoplasma bar
* Larger map fight notice
* Player is resurrected instantly in map mode
* Map fight notice is 40% larger
* Ectoplasma bar scales according to ghost distance
* Add sound effects to the game

There are still many fixes and improvements incoming for Paris.

Download from:

Ghosthunter & Innovation Game Project INFO

We started this falls Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Game Project course on 13.9.2013.

Our group consists of:

Otso Kaukomies (Game Designer)

Juri Meskanen (Producer)

Mikael Lindlöf (Developer)

Eero Salminen (Artist)

Humberto Santos (Artist)

Otso had the idea for the game in the beginning of the course. The game is a augmented reality game where the aim is to hunt and catch ghosts.

We have been working on the game for almost 2 months now, and we have progressed well. Our next and last big deadline is Paris Game Connection where we will show our game to publishers.

The prototype of the game we have now lets the player see the map and enter the fight mode. In the fight mode the player can attack by whacking the ghost with his phone and defend by swiping between dots on the devices screen.

Attached are the ideas for the concept and mechanics of the game.



Digiexpo 2013 Feedback


Otso and Juri were showing off our Ghosthunter.v.0.22 at Digiexpo Helsinki (1-3.11.2013)

Digiexpo went great. We got lot’s of feedback and made good observations. The feedback ranged from “This a great idea!” to “I might be too old to play this” We also found couple of bugs and some things to improve. I’ve listed them here:

– Some people had trouble defending because they accidentally had their finger on the screen when they tried to draw the line with other hand. We could make it so that, the game will ignore other presses/fingers on the borders of the screen when defending.

– When you enter the camera mode you get the “search for the ghost” tutorial. If you find the ghost and do not press this tutorial away until you see the ghost you won’t get the “attack the ghost” tutorial. Sometimes the “attack the ghost” tutorial appeared straight away, but people was unable to seperate it from previous one because they appeared right in row.

– Lot’s of people pressed the ghost icon when in map mode. You should be able to enter the camera mode by pressing the ghost.

– Sometimes if you have already fighted the ghost and you won and you go back to camera mode to fight against another ghost you see the ghost flowing around with dead animation still on. The ghost return to idle/hover mode after you press the “search for the ghost” tutorial away.

– Most of the people did not read the tutorials. Of course digiexpo isn’t the best place to introduce different kind of gameplay mechanics. But still we really need some tutorial animations to guide the player to do what he have to do. Also we have to think if we need to make some minor changes to gameplay to make it more intuitive.

– And again, most people try to click the ghost, that’s beacuse they didn’t read or understand the tutorials.

– The feedback from attacking the ghost was inadequate. People didn’t always understand if they hit the ghost. That’s because we didn’t have sounds or vibration. Also it seems that the game didn’t register all the hits player made.

– The game  was sometimes little laggy. We have to look more into this and try to find what might cause it. Also sometimes the camera did fail to work and we got view like this

  • Some people have trouble defending because they accidentally
    had their finger on a screen when they tried to draw the line with other hand. We could make it so that, the game will ignore other presses/fingers on the borders of the screen when defending.
  • When you enter the camera mode you get the “search for the ghost” tutorial. If you find the ghost and do not press this tutorial away until you see the ghost you won’t get the “attack the ghost” tutorial. Sometimes the “attack the ghost” tutorial appeared straight away, but people was unable to seperate it from previous one because they appeared right in row.
  • Lot’s of people pressed the ghost icon when in map mode. You should be able to enter the camera mode by pressing the ghost.
  • Sometimes if you have already fighted the ghost and you won and you go back to camera mode to fight against another ghost you see the ghost flowing around with dead animation still on. The ghost return to idle/hover mode after you press the “search for the ghost” tutorial away.
  • Most of the people did not read the tutorials. Of course digiexpo isn’t the best place to introduce different kind of gameplay mechanics. But still we really need some tutorial animations to guide the player to do what he have to do. Also we have to think if we need to make some minor changes to gameplay to make it more intuitive.
  • And again, most people try to click the ghost, that’s beacuse they didn’t read or understand the tutorials.
  • The feedback from attacking the ghost was inadequate. People didn’t always understand if they hit the ghost. That’s because we didn’t have sounds or vibration. Also it seems that the game didn’t register all the hits player made.
  • The game was sometimes little laggy. We have to look more into this and try to find what might cause it. Also sometimes the camera did fail to work and we got view like this (see the attached image)

We will look into the issues and improve the game on the next release! Our aim is to get a better version for Paris Game Connection!

Halli 5